Network professional TC-NPTC is an IT consulting and career development company that specializes in helping techies and non-techies advance their careers through comprehensive hands-on training, certification training and job placement services. We also provide corporate training and network support services to various companies In today’s interconnected age, all technologies under the umbrella of “IT” rely on NETWORK technologies to function. This is due to a combination of factors converging together including the constant growth and expansion of the Internet, migration towards the “cloud” in both corporate and personal levels. The result is that enterprise NETWORK technologies are the fastest growing technology and job categories causing a significant shortage of qualified NETWORK professionals with real-world skills.
Determine your needs for now and the future. Consider upgrading functionality with the best network needs assessment rather than just replacing existing capabilities. For example, look for faster routers and switches. Migrating to new equipment can be a complicated task, so approach it with premium network migration plan.
Upgrade switches and routers with latest IOS.
Develop a 24/7 conversion plan and get it into a Top project management tool. Analyze the equipment that you will replace or relocate, and develop a logical upgrade sequence for your actions. Minimize downtime by thinking through the process and tackling bite-sized tasks where possible. Develop a contingency plan as a part of the overall plan, so that you can revert to your old equipment in the event of a misstep during the upgrade.